Thursday, June 28, 2012

Stats + pre-calc = no free time

As I mentioned earlier, I just started my second term of the summer and I have 2 math classes. I didn't think it was going to be a big deal until my pre-calc teacher decided he was going to kill everyone with tons of homework. Every night this week I've spent 5+ hours working on homework, and not even finishing it all! 

Everyone in class cornered him yesterday and he was nice about everything and cut some our homework in half. Thank God. 

I've been running with my sister for the last 2 weeks and it's going awesome. We are keeping our runs around 10 min/mile. Which I love. After training for my half in April I realized that I couldn't run fast at all. So my goal in running lately has been to up my pace. It is working perfectly. When I first started running with my sister I wanted to kill myself and we were hangin' around 10:30 min/mile. Now we run somewhere in between 9:30-10 min/mile. I still wanna kill myself during the run but not until the end of it.

Today is going to be a test for me. My sister is going to a wedding this weekend so I have to run by myself. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up that great pace! 

I ordered a bunch of new running shorts and the best thing is that they were on sale! I like the Nike Tempos but they cost around $32. I found some on the Nike website that were on sale for $20. Needless to say, I jumped at the chance to get em. I decided to get a wider variety of colors and am very happy with the ones I got.

And I still have one more pair coming!

Do you have any running gear that you love? or do you run in whatever is around?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Busy Day

Yesterday was the start of the 2nd summer term and a very busy day for me. I made the awesome decision to take 2 math classes together. So yesterday I pretty much spent all day doing math. It was AWESOME! 

Aside from that, I actually had a list of stuff that I wanted to get done and finished everything. For me, this is a miracle. I normally make to-do lists and then proceed to either lose them or just ignore them.

After class I headed over to Goodwill to drop off some clothes. I am very much attached to clothes and refuse to give them away. I feel like as soon as I give them up, I want to wear them. But I sucked it up and dropped em off.

After that I went to a tattoo shop and got my ear pierced.

I had been wanting another one for some time and finally decided on this one. So instead of putting it off I just went and took care of it. I figured I was out and about anyways.

Next stop was the textbook store. I had been meaning (for the last year) to sell back my old school books but kept putting it off. I loaded them all up in a book bag and took em to the store. I'm glad I did cause I got this ginormous stack of benjis jackies!

When I was on pintrest, I saw this good idea to help motivate weight loss. Being the person I am, I decided to give it a try. I stopped by the local arts and crafts tore and got this stuff.

You put how ever many rocks that equal the amount of weight you want to lose in one jar and as you lose the weight you transfer them over into the other jar. I thought it was a really good idea, and now I'm putting it to the test. Since my one jar was kinda dinky with nothing in it, I put a couple in there since I have been very slowly losing weight this year. Plus, I wanted more rocks to make it look nicer. I'll let ya know how well the system works!

Kroger was my last stop. I had been putting it off all weekend but caved in and got some normal food. I had to make pancakes this weekend for breakfast cause we were out of everything else.

After I got home, it was time to work on my math homework. I didn't think it was going to take that long but I spent 80 4 hours working on it until I just gave up. I got most of it done though.

 I'm thankful that yesterday was a rest day for me. If I would've had to squeeze in running with everything else I did, I probably would've pulled a Demi Lovato... just sayin.

Did anyone else have a crazy Monday?

Monday, June 25, 2012

Full of Fifty

Being the awesome totally boring person I am, my weekend was pretty dull. I had to work from 1-8 on Saturday and Sunday. Which means that I didn't do anything when I wasn't at work. My sister and me tried to catch up on The Office cause I just recently got into it, and we also ran on Sunday after work. I ran Saturday morning without her but with my training group. It was our first group run and I was a little nervous but it was fun. My sister had talked me into running Friday night (which I wasn't going to do since I was running with my group the next morning, but what can I say... I'm easily persuaded. Needless to say, when Saturday morning came I wanted to kill myself. I was going to do 2 laps, aka 30 mins of running, but chickened out after only a lap. Better than nothing though! I also noticed this...

I've ran everyday this past week except for Monday. I think it's pretty good. I'm not going to do that again though. I have a training schedule that started Saturday so I'm going to follow that and use it as an excuse to not run everyday.

While I was at work I noticed the google doddle and decided to try and crack the code. Did anyone else have fun with that? I did, mainly cause I was at work and had nothing better to do but it was a good way to pass the time. 

Loads of fun.

After I played with that for WAY to long I got my Fifty on.

My roommate has already finished the series and I'm trying to play catch up. I will admit, I'm not a big fan of the books. Don't get me wrong, they aren't horrible, but they aren't awesome. I mean, I paid for the books so I'm going to read them but I don't feel like I just can't put them down. I'm fine with reading a chapter and than wondering off into space for the next 3 hours. I started on the last book this weekend and it is my favorite of the three by far. 

Have you read the series yet? Any other good series that you love to read?

I love reading and have tons of books. This meme is completely me.

I had to limit myself on how many books I can buy in a month. I go into Barnes and Noble for one book and end up spending 3 hours and over $100. It's a disease really.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Call me Picasso

Since I cleaned out my closet I had a couple things I needed to bring to our storage unit to get out of my way. I loaded them up on the back of my car and got rid of em.

Doesn't look like a lot but since all of that stuff was in my closet and my closet is as big as a crescent it took up a lot of room.

 After dropping 'em off, I got home and set everything up so I could start work on my master piece (and ate lunch).

Nothing tastier than a bologna sandwich and some Whales.
I think I like Whales better than Goldfish. Not that Goldfish are bad but Whales are saltier and I think I like it.

I was worried I was going to run out a paint. I bought a tube of each color but once I started paining I realized that it was going to be a close one. I did the brown ones first and than when I started the green ones found out a better way to paint so I didn't end up using as much and had some green left over.

After they all dried I hung 'em up on my wall.

I like the way they look but at the same time lookin' at 'em kinda hurts my eyes. But they look nice so that's all that matters!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Project Time

I ran this morning. YAY. I planned on running 3 miles but by the time I got out of bed and got ready it was hot as crap outside. I did a faster 1.5 miles and called it good.

After my rub I ran some errands so I could finally finish cleaning my room. I realized that it's hard to clean and rearrange when you don't have anything to put stuff in. So, I ran to wal-mart to get some big clear buckets and then decided that I wanted to hang some art on my wall. I stopped by this place to pick up some paints and some blank canvases. 

After going to my last class for this term I came home and wanted to read up on Fifty Shades Darker but convinced myself that my room had been a Pigpen for long enough.

After an hour or so of cleaning I finally finished!

It looks so much nicer! I am super proud of myself. I still have some artwork that I need to work on to hang on the walls but other than that I shouldn't have to worry about doing any deep rearranging anytime soon. 


I've been slackin lately... surprise surprise right? Or not. I'm going to update and the last couple days and then do another post about yesterday to get me back on track. 

I ran with my sister after I got off of work Sunday and Tuesday. I was worried that she was going to run way faster than me but we pretty much ran the same speed. Mainly cause I wanted to try and keep up with her so I pushed myself more than I normally do. 

I decided a couple days ago that I was going to crazy clean my room.  My closet was a mess so I went on a mission to fix it up and make it look all pretty. I forgot to take a picture of my closet before I fixed it all up but I did take this picture of what my room looked like while I was trying to rearrange everything.

I know! It looks like a Tasmanian Devil came through and destroyed the place.

Change of subject... I went to Kroger to pick up some normal groceries and found this...


I also saw this and HAD to buy it...

MMmmMmmm... watermelon... so good.

For a update for the past couple days I realized that this is kinda bad but a lot of stuff I forgot to take pictures of or I just feel like I don't need to go over EVERYTHING. If I could just remember to do this every day this would work better and my life would seem boring crazy awesome.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Sorry Vampires! I'm out of order.

Last week I gave up coffee because I planned on giving platelets on Saturday morning and I have low iron. The last time I tried to give blood and my iron was too low the doc told me that caffeine hinders your body from absorbing iron.  Something I didn't know or I wouldn't have taken my iron pills with my coffee EVERY morning. Oh well... no big deal. I went out, bought come vitamin C (cause that helps your body absorb it) and I'll lay off the coffee the week prior so I get a good intake of iron. I was SO sleepy all week it was horrible. I only drink a small cup of coffee in the morning and I never really thought it did anything until I stopped drinking it. Anyways, I go in to give and am COMPLETELY confident that I'll be able to... 11.7?!?! what?!?! how is my iron THAT low! I take iron pills three times a day with vitamin C and I laid off all caffeine! I was SO.... sad. I really tried my hardest and still came up short. When they pricked my second finger that reading was a little higher, 12.2, but the minimum is 12.5 so it still wasn't going to work  :(. I really love giving blood and it sucks that I just can't even seem to win. I finally decided last night that I'm giving up. No more trying, I guess I was just not meant to share my awesomeness. So, this morning when I woke up I got this first thing...

A nice cup o' Joe. I've very excited.

While I was listening to my Backstreet Boys radio on Pandora, this song came on...

WHAT?! I LOVE Pandora but sometime it's kinda off. How does Lil Jon fit into the 90's boy band genre? I have no idea. Even though I didn't thumbs up it I did listen because this song remind me of the movie The Proposal with  Sandra Bullock and this hot guy...

Thanks Google Images!

After that I think I need a shower...

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lazy McChunky Pants

So, I haven't posted on this thing in a hot minute. Mainly because I've been lazy. Leastly (not even a word) cause I've had a lot of school work to do. Being that I haven't post in a while I'll do a quick catch up on what not cool in any way awesome things I've been up to.

I tried one of these...
Which was good but not as awesome as I thought it was going to be.

This was crawling around in my house.
A tiny crab...  they are everywhere are our apt complex.

The crazy awesome guy my dad is got me these.
nothin' more to say about that!

and lastly... since my roommates are gone for the weekend. I made myself some hotcakes and they were amazing!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Yesterday was pretty boring. I didn't really do anything remotely interesting. After my Spanish class I went for a run. I was trying to update my running journal and realized that my counter on here was off. Adjusting the numbers made me feel like the worst runner ever. So, I planned on changing that. I started out and was going to do 2 fast miles but gave up (pretty much) after the first mile. I decided to walk a little bit and then run fast again for another mile but a quarter mile into that run I gave up. It was SUPER hot out. When I started running it was hot but overcast and kinda raining. By the time I started my second mile, all that had gone away and the awesome sun was out.
I decided that since my run went so horrible I was going to come home and hop on my bike for some exercise. Which is a lot easier in the hot sun. I finished up a 15 mile ride and then came home to take care of this issue...

Now I'm down to one container of bananas and almost done with the strawberries! YAY! In the process of making this I decided that I was going to take a bit out of one of the bananas cause I heard that frozen bananas taste like ice cream.... true story. It was amazing! I think I'm going to eat all my bananas like that from now on! Anyways, I piled everything into the blender and it went to work.

It's three bananas, a handful of strawberries, milk, and some yogurt. 

The end result was a little thinker than I normally make them but I think it had something to do with the fact that I didn't let the fruit thaw before I mixed it all up. It ended up being like a triple thick shake. Still good in my book!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Muddy Buddy!

So this isn't going to be some HUGE post about how organized the people were or anything but I did want to post more pictures and since I needed to catch up on 800 millions days in the last post I didn't want to make it any longer by including this.

So as I mentioned earlier my friend wanted to dress up ( which I thought was an awesome idea). So, we ended up on dressing up as Robin Sparkles and Jessica Glitter. This meant that we pretty much just dress up like kids from Saved By The Bell aka early 90s. Which again, I am completely fine with. I wish this style would come back crazy hard core.

Our awesome jackets that we got a goodwill. We stayed up the night before to bedazzle em. I think they turned out pretty good.
When we saw this mud pit. Ana and I decided that we weren't going to be like the people that slowly walk through it and barely get muddy at all. We were like... it's called muddy buddy for a reason... to get muddy. So we both agreed that when it was our time to go through we were going on a rampage.
start line

one of the walls we had to climb over
The course was really nice... VERY hilly though. I'll admit, we walked pretty much the whole time. We weren't really in it for the time though. We had WAY to many clothes on to be trying to do it at a crazy fast pace. Plus, I haven't been running as much as I should and I'm sure Ana has done none.

So by the time we made it to the mud pit... my awesome friend let me ump in with a vengeance while she just stayed back and took her sweet time.

I tried to go back and get her more muddy but thought that if she really didn't want to I wasn't going to force her. I ate a nice piece of dirt right after this picture. I had a good time, mud and all. I would do another one but the next time I think I wanna do one that's a little more hard core. Like the Warrior Dash series or Tough Mudder. It was a blast though!
Gettin' all the mud off was not...

Monday, June 11, 2012

(not) Long (enough) weekend

So, this weekend I went home so me and my friend Ana could do a Muddy Buddy race together. I'll post pictures and a little more about the actual race in another post but for now I'll just quickly (or not) recap my weekend.


 I wanted to leave for home right after I got out of Spanish class so I had to make sure everything was ready to go before I left for class. Being the awesome organizer I am, I put everything off till the last minute and then remembered everything I needed to do and was nearly late to class. I wasn't paying attention when I went to Kroger earlier this week and bought an ass ton of bananas. They were at the point that I needed to use them before I left or they would be bad by the time I got home. So, I chopped em all up and put them in the freezer for later. Along with all the other fruit I had in there for my smoothies...

With all the fruit taken care of I loaded up my bike and hit the road, to school.
yay! on the way home
my company for the trip...

  I had to wake up at the butt crack of dawn to get ready for the race.

We decided to dress up like Robin Sparkles and Jessica Glitter. I don't know if anyone watches HIMYM but we love the show and who doesn't like to dress up like that!?
After I got ready I still had time to waste before I was picked up so I got started on my Spanish homework.. :/

Off to the race we went and had a blast!

After I got home from the race and took a nice long hot shower I discovered this...

I know ya'll really wanted to see that right? My toenail had been wanting to fall off since after my half but had stuck on pretty long. The time had finally come though and we parted was. It still feels like I'm missing a part of me :( and it looks kinda ugly.

 I normally try and leave my parents house around noon so I can get back at dinner time and relax before I go to bed BUT one of my good friends was having a birthday party for her little one. Needless to say... I HAD to stop by and planned on leaving at 3 (still a decent hour) but stayed till 4:30. Go me! It was worth it though. On my way home I stopped by QT for some gas and also got this...

Frozen cappuccino. I LOVE these! They are SO good. I wish we had QTs around here so I could have them for every meal! I made it home by 9, which was enough time for me to lay everything on my floor and pass out. I hope everyone had an eventful weekend. I know mine was!