Thursday, June 21, 2012


I've been slackin lately... surprise surprise right? Or not. I'm going to update and the last couple days and then do another post about yesterday to get me back on track. 

I ran with my sister after I got off of work Sunday and Tuesday. I was worried that she was going to run way faster than me but we pretty much ran the same speed. Mainly cause I wanted to try and keep up with her so I pushed myself more than I normally do. 

I decided a couple days ago that I was going to crazy clean my room.  My closet was a mess so I went on a mission to fix it up and make it look all pretty. I forgot to take a picture of my closet before I fixed it all up but I did take this picture of what my room looked like while I was trying to rearrange everything.

I know! It looks like a Tasmanian Devil came through and destroyed the place.

Change of subject... I went to Kroger to pick up some normal groceries and found this...


I also saw this and HAD to buy it...

MMmmMmmm... watermelon... so good.

For a update for the past couple days I realized that this is kinda bad but a lot of stuff I forgot to take pictures of or I just feel like I don't need to go over EVERYTHING. If I could just remember to do this every day this would work better and my life would seem boring crazy awesome.

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