Monday, June 4, 2012


After getting off work Saturday I decided that I needed to run. I planned on running a quick mile then going home but on the way there decided that I was just going to go a head a do three. By the time I started running I quickly changed my mind and went a head and did the quick one (mainly because I was wearing a new running top and it did not fit the way I thought). This is annoying. I'm sure most of you understand where I'm coming from when you have to constantly tug and adjust. Either way I ran and that's all that matters. I realized that since I had been training for my half I had gotten used to running slow (so I could make the long distance) and now I have a hard time running anywhere close to fast. Because of that I have decided that I need to start concentrating on running faster and less on distance. So my aim Saturday night was to run around a 10 minute mile... which I did! Yay!

cool down

I try and drink chocolate milk after my runs. I've read a lot about how it's good for post workout you. I go to Kroger and by the Organic Horizen Chocolate milk cause you can get them for a dollar and you don't have to refrigerate them. I just throw one in my bag on my way and out then have it after I finish. I like it, it's super convenient!

There are some pictures of the path that I run around. It's really nice. There's a lake in the middle and geese all around. The track stays pretty clean and it's a 1.5 mile loop. There's also lights that go around the whole thing so you can run when it's dark out (which I don't really like doing, single, white, female, alone... not smart).

Anyways back to life... when I got home from my run my roommate was just coming home and she was drunktastic. Being the push over that I am she quickly talked me into showering, changing and going with her and her friends to this corn-hole tournament in the middle of a corn field. I really wanted to run Sunday morning but needless to say... I had to much to drink and being that we were an hour from home we ended up staying up there. We did wake up at a good time (8:30) so we headed home.
me on the way home
my roomie and her boy toy
By the time we got home I was STARVING. So I did what any slightly hungover person would do...

yup.... mcdonalds and coffee. Nothing fills an empty liquor lined stomach like greasy cheap delicious, fast food. Here comes the part where you judge me endlessly... on my way to work I stopped and get this...

Yes I did... I know... I felt horrible after I ate it but it was SO good. So not only did I consume my whole days worth of calories for breakfast but I also did the same for lunch... GO ME! I tried to counter act all this horribleness by eating a healthier dinner (bowl of cereal). But in the end... I think it was worth it.

Having to work for seven hours after not getting good sleep is not fun at all. Plus on top of that, I had to write a book report. I spent most of work cleaning or looking at this awesome view.

I know, tons of fun right... not really. Plus I didn't end up finishing my book report until 11pm and was DIEING  for some shut eye. Well... time for class...

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